Schematic summary:
1. Ordinary plates1. Ordinary plates
2. Special plates
3. International plates (index 8)
Index digits 1 to 7 followed by a combination of three letters and three digits.
1.1. Ordinary plates – Cars
These plates are meant for cars, trucks, busses, coaches, vans, ambulances, hearses, tractors and other motorized vehicles with 4 or more wheels.
The group of letters starts with A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L, N, P, R, S, T, V, X and Y, followed by a combination of any two other letters, even O (which has now a square-ish shape) unlike in the old system.
The group of digits ranges from 001 to 999, including 666, making up a total of 999 plates per series. 000 is excluded.
Three formats are available: rectangular (520 x 110 mm), square (340 x 210 mm) and small (210 x 140 mm):
- Rectangular: the second letter is either A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L, M, N, O, P, Q, R, S, T, U, V, W or X, and the third letter is any letter of the alphabet, which implies that the series range as follows: AAA to AXZ, BAA to BXZ, CAA to CXZ, DAA to DXZ, EAA to EXZ, FAA to FXZ, GAA to GXZ, HAA to HXZ, IAA to IXZ, JAA to JXZ, KAA to KXZ, LAA to LXZ, NAA to NXZ, PAA to PXZ, RAA to RXZ, SAA to SXZ, TAA to TWZ (because the TX* series are reserved for taxis), VAA to VXZ, XAA to XXZ, and YAA to YXZ. For each index digit there are 12,441,546 combinations available [(20 x 24 x 26 x 999) – (1 x 1 x 26 x 999) = (12,467,520) – (25,974) = 12, 441,546], or 87,090,822 in total [a bit ridiculous for a country with about 5,5 million vehicles].
- Square: the second letter is Y, and the third letter is any letter of the alphabet, which implies that the series range as follows: AYA to AYZ, BYA to BYZ, CYA to CYZ, DYA to DYZ, EYA to EYZ, FYA to FYZ, GYA to GYZ, HYA to HYZ, IYA to IYZ, JYA to JYZ, KYA to KYZ, LYA to LYZ, NYA to NYZ, PYA to PYZ, RYA to RYZ, SYA to SYZ, TYA to TYZ, VYA to VYZ, XYA to XYZ, and YYA to YYZ. For each index there are 519,480 combinations available [20 x 1 x 26 x 999], or 3,636,360 in total. Note that most AYA plates were remade in the rectangular format due to a software mistake on 16 November 2010.

- Some owners have their square plate remade as rectangular plate when they realize it was too big for their vehicle, as was the case here:

- For some unknown reason, the AYF, AYG, AYH, AYI, AYJ, AYK, AYL, AYM, AYN, AYO and AYP series have been skipped and then the series AYQ and AYR have been issued:

- Small: the second letter is Z, and the third letter is any letter of the alphabet, which implies that the series range as follows: AZA to AZZ, BZA to BZZ, CZA to CZZ, DZA to DZZ, EZA to EZZ, FZA to FZZ, GZA to GZZ, HZA to HZZ, IZA to IZZ, JZA to JZZ, KZA to KZZ, LZA to LZZ, NZA to NZZ, PZA to PZZ, RZA to RZZ, SZA to SZZ, TZA to TZZ, VZA to VZZ, XZA to XZZ, and YZA to YZZ. For each index there are 519,480 combinations available [20 x 1 x 26 x 999], or 3,636,360 in total.

The total number of ordinary licence plates available is:
- For each index digit: 12,441,546 +519,480 + 519,480 = 13,480,506
- For the seven index digits: 87,090,822 + 3,636,360 + 3,636,360 = 94,363,542
- AAP: 'monkey' in Dutch
- AAS: 'carrion' in Dutch
- AEL: initials of the 'Arab European League', a political movement
- ALA: resembles 'Allah'
- ANE: 'donkey' in French
- ASS: 'arse' in American English
- BEB: 'Belgische Eenheid / Entente Belge', a (marginal) pro-Belgian political party
- BIL: 'bottoms' in Dutch
- BIT: 'bite' means 'cock' in French
- BOM: 'bomb' in Dutch
- BOY: young man [why the heck does the DIV bother to ban this combination?]
- BSP: 'Belgische Socialistische Partij', former Flemish name of the Socialist Party
- BUB: 'Belgische Unie / Union Belge', a (marginal) pro-Belgian political party
- BWP: 'Belgische Werkliedenpartij', former Flemish name of the Socialist Party
- BYT: resembles 'bite', 'cock' in French
- CAP: unknown
- CDF: 'Chrétiens Démocrates Francophones', name of a small political party ('French-speaking Christian Democrats')
- CDH: 'Centre Démocrate Humaniste', name of a French-speaking political party ('Humanist Democratic Centre')
- CDV: 'Christen-Democratisch en Vlaams', name of a Dutch-speaking political party ('Christian-Democrat and Flemish')
- CON: 'arsehole' in French
- CSP: 'Christlich Soziale Partei', name of a German-speaking political party ('Christian-Socialist Party')
- CUB: unknown
- CUL: 'arse' in French
- CUT: resembles 'kut', Dutch for 'fucking'
- CVP:
- DCD: pronounced as 'décédé', French for 'dead'
- DIK: 'fat' in Dutch
- DOM: 'idiot' in Dutch
- FDF: 'Front Démocratique des Francophones', French-speaking right-wing party
- FOK: resembles 'fuck'
- FOL: 'crazy' in French
- FOU: 'crazy' in French
- FUC: resembles 'fuck'
- FUK: resembles 'fuck'
- GAT: 'arse' in Dutch
- GAY: 'gay'
- GEK: 'crazy' in Dutch
- GOD: 'God'
- HIV: name of the AIDS virus

These plates are meant for motorcycles, tricycles and quadricycles, i.e. motorized vehicles with two to four wheels without bodywork.
The group of letters starts with M or W, followed by a combination of any two other letters, even O (which has now a square-ish shape) unlike in the old system.
The group of digits ranges from 001 to 999, including 666, making up a total of 999 plates per series. 000 is excluded.
One format is available: small (210 x 140 mm).
There are 1,350,648 combinations available for each index digit (2 x 26 x 26 x 999), or a total of 9,454,536 plates.
Forbidden combinations:
- MAS: unknown meaning
- MCC: 'Mouvement des Citoyens pour le Changement' (i.e. 'Citizens' Movement for Change, one of the branches of the liberal party MR ('Mouvement Réformateur', i.e. 'Reformist Movement')
- MDP: 'Moslim Democratische Partij' (i.e. 'Party of Democratic Moslims'), a minor political party
- MOR: 'mort' is French for 'dead'
- MOU: French for 'sof', 'limb', 'flabby'
- MST: 'Maladie Sexuellement Transmissible', French for 'Sexually Transmitted Disease'
These plates are meant for trailers weighing more than 750 kilograms.
The group of letters starts with Q or U, followed by a combination of any two other letters, even O (which has now a square-ish shape) unlike in the old system.
The group of digits ranges from 001 to 999, including 666, making up a total of 999 plates per series. 000 is excluded.
Three formats are available: rectangular (520 x 110 mm), square (340 x 110 mm) and small (210 x 140 mm).
- Rectangular: the second letter is either A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L, M, N, O, P, Q, R, S, T, U, V, W or X, and the third letter is any letter of the alphabet, which implies that the series range as follows: QAA to QXZ, and UAA to UXZ. For each index digit there are 1,246,752 combinations available [2 x 24 x 26 x 999], or 8,757,264 in total.
- Square: the second letter is Y, and the third letter is any letter of the alphabet, which implies that the series range as follows: QYA to QYZ, UYA to UYZ. For each index there are 51,948 combinations available [2 x 1 x 26 x 999], or 363,636 in total.
- Small: the second letter is Z, and the third letter is any letter of the alphabet, which implies that the series range as follows: QZA to QZZ, and UZA to UZZ. For each index there are 51,948 combinations available [2 x 1 x 26 x 999], or 363,636 in total.
Forbidden combinations: none
2. Special plates
2.1. Royal Household
These plates are used by the members of the Belgian royal household and some members of their personnel. The registration consists of a number ranging from 1 to 100 (no index digit). Three formats are available: rectangular (520 x 110 mm), square (340 x 210 mm) and small (210 x 110 mm).
2.2. A plates
These plates are used by federal ministers and other dignitaries. The registration consists of the letter A followed by a dash and one to three digits, ranging from A.1 to A.250 (no index digit).
- A.1: President of the Chamber
- A.2: Prime Minister
- A.3 to A.8: Vice-Prime Ministers
- A.9 to A.18: Federal Ministers
- A.18 to A.25: State Secretaries
- A.26 to A.89: Ministers of State
- A.90 to A.129: high magistrates
- A.130 to A.140: province governors
- A.141 to A.150: Catholic bishops
- A.151 to A.250: other dignitaries, such as heads of other religious cults, chiefs of cabinets, etc.
These plates are used by regional and communautary ministers and their chiefs of cabinets. The registration consists of the letter E followed by a dash and one to three digits, ranging from E.1 to E.150 (no index digit).
2.4. P plates
These plates are used by regional and communautary ministers and their chiefs of cabinets. The registration consists of the letter P followed by a dash and one to three digits, ranging from P.1 to P.800 (no index digit).
- P.1: President of the Senate
- P.2: President of the Parliament of the French-speaking Community
- P.3:
- P.10 to P.100: members of the Senate
- P.500 to P.599: members of the Walloon Parliament
- P.600 to P.699: members of the Brussels Parliament
- P.700 to P.750: members of the German-speaking parliament
- P.751 to P.800: Belgian members of the European parliament
2.5.1. Car dealers

These plates are meant for car dealerships and can be used on several vehicles without having to register them specifically at the DIV. The vehicles cannot go further than 50 km from the dealership.
The index digits range from 1 to 7.
The group of letters starts with Z, followed by A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L, N, O, P, R, S, T and V, and a third letter.
The group of digits ranges from 001 to 999, including 666, making up a total of 999 plates per series. 000 is excluded.
Two formats are available: rectangular (520 x 110 mm) and square (340 x 110 mm):
- Rectangular: the second letter is either A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L, N, O, P, S, T, and V, and the third letter is any letter of the alphabet, which implies that the series range as follows: ZAA to ZLZ, ZNA to ZPZ, ZSA to ZTZ and ZVA to ZVZ. For each index digit there are 467,532 combinations available [1 x 18 x 26 x 999], or 3,272,724 in total.
- Square: the second letter is R, and the third letter is any letter of the alphabet, which implies that the series range from ZRA to ZRZ. For each index there are 25,974 combinations available [1 x 1 x 26 x 999], or 181,818 in total.
- ZAC: resembles 'zak'
- ZAK: 'testicle' in Dutch
- ZOT: 'crazy' in Dutch
These plates are meant for motorcycles, tricycles and quadricycles dealerships and can be used on several vehicles without having to register them specifically at the DIV. The vehicles cannot go further than 50 km from the dealership.
The index digits range from 1 to 7.
The group of letters starts with ZM or ZW, followed by any other letter, even O (which has now a square-ish shape) unlike in the old system.
The group of digits ranges from 001 to 999, including 666, making up a total of 999 plates per series. 000 is excluded.
One formats is available: small (210 x 140 mm).
- Small: the second letter is M or W, and the third letter is any letter of the alphabet, which implies that the series range as follows: ZMA to ZMZ, and ZWA to ZWZ. For each index there are 51,948 combinations available [1 x 2 x 26 x 999], or 363,636 in total.
2.5.3. Trailer dealers
These plates are meant for motorcycles, tricycles and quadricycles, i.e. motorized vehicles with two to four wheels without bodywork.
The index digits range from 1 to 7.
The group of letters starts with ZQ or ZU, followed by any other letter, even O (which has now a square-ish shape) unlike in the old system.
The group of digits ranges from 001 to 999, including 666, making up a total of 999 plates per series. 000 is excluded.
One format is available: rectangular (520 x 110 mm)
- Rectangular: the second letter is either Q or U, and the third letter is any letter of the alphabet, which implies that the series range as follows: ZQA to ZQZ, and ZUA to ZUZ. For each index digit there are 51,948 combinations available [1 x 2 x 26 x 999], or 363,636 in total. Note that the DIV decided to start with the ZU* series.
2.6. Roadtest plates
2.6.1. Car roadtest plates

These plates are meant for roadtests at car dealerships and can be used on several vehicles without having to register them specifically at the DIV. The vehicles cannot go further than 50 km from the dealership.
The index digits range from 1 to 7.
The group of letters starts with Z, followed by X, Y or Z and another letter (including O).
The group of digits ranges from 001 to 999, including 666, making up a total of 999 plates per series. 000 is excluded.
Two formats are available: rectangular (520 x 110 mm) and square (340 x 110 mm):
- Rectangular: the group of letters starts with ZY or ZZ and the third letter is any letter of the alphabet, which implies that the series range from ZYA to ZYZ and from ZZA to ZZZ. For each index digit there are 51,948 combinations available [1 x 2 x 26 x 999], or 363,636 in total. Note that the DIV decided to start with the ZZ series.
- Square: the group of letters starts with ZX, and the third letter is any letter of the alphabet, which implies that the series range from ZXA to ZXZ. For each index there are 25,974 combinations available [1 x 1 x 26 x 999], or 181,818 in total.

Forbidden combinations: none
2.6.2. Motorcycle roadtest plates

These plates are meant for roadtests at motorcycle dealerships and can be used on several vehicles without having to register them specifically at the DIV. The vehicles cannot go further than 50 km from the dealership.
The index digits range from 1 to 7.
The group of letters starts with Z, followed by X, Y and Z, and M or W as third letter.
The group of digits ranges from 001 to 999, including 666, making up a total of 999 plates per series. 000 is excluded.
One format is available: small (210 x 140 mm):
- Small: the letter groups are ZXM, ZXW, ZYM, ZYW, ZZM and ZZW. For each index digit there are 5,994 combinations available [6 x 999], or 34,975 in total. Note that the DIV decided to start with ZZM.
2.6.3. Trailer roadtest plates
These plates are meant for roadtests at trailer dealerships and can be used on several vehicles without having to register them specifically at the DIV. The vehicles cannot go further than 50 km from the dealership.
The index digits range from 1 to 7.
The group of letters starts with Z, followed by X, Y and Z, and Q or U as third letter.
The group of digits ranges from 001 to 999, including 666, making up a total of 999 plates per series. 000 is excluded.
Two formats are available: rectangular (520 x 110 mm) and square (340 x 110 mm):
- Rectangular: the letter groups are ZYQ, ZYU, ZZQ and ZZU. For each index digit there are 3,996 combinations available [4 x 999], or 27,973 in total. Note that the DIV decided to start with ZZU.
- Square: the letter groups are ZXQ and ZXU. For each index there are 1,998 combinations available [2 x 999], or 13,986 in total.
2.7. Oldtimer plates

These plates are meant for vehicles of at least 25 years of age and for which an exemption from annual technical control has been granted on the condition that they remain in a perimetre from the owner's residence or to attend events.
The group of letters starts with O, followed by a combination of any two other letters, even O (which has now a square-ish shape) unlike in the old system.
The group of digits ranges from 001 to 999, including 666, making up a total of 999 plates per series. 000 is excluded.
Three formats are available: rectangular (520 x 110 mm), square (340 x 110 mm) and small (210 x 140 mm).
- Rectangular: the second letter is either A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L, M, N, O, P, Q, R, S, T, U, V, W or X, and the third letter is any letter of the alphabet, which implies that the series range between OAA and OXZ. For each index digit there are 623,376 combinations available [1 x 24 x 26 x 999], or 4,363,632 in total.
- Square: the second letter is Y, and the third letter is any letter of the alphabet, which implies that the series range between OYA and OYZ. For each index there are 25,974 combinations available [1 x 1 x 26 x 999], or 181,818 in total.
- Small: the second letter is Z, and the third letter is any letter of the alphabet, which implies that the series range between OZA and OZZ. For each index there are 25,974 combinations available [1 x 1 x 26 x 999], or 181,818 in total.
Forbidden combinations: none
2.8. Temporary plates
2.8.1. Cars
These plates are meant for vehicles vehicles that are imported from or exported to abroad.
The registration starts with an index digit (1 to 7), followed by 6 digits ranging from 000001 to 989999.
Two formats are available: rectangular (520 x 110 mm) and square (340 x 110 mm). It is unknown whether special series are reserved for the square format. Temporary plates are made per series of 1,000, with a millesim corresponding to all of these 1,000 plates.
1-000001 to 1-000999: 10 [1-000584 is the highest issued number of that series]
1-001001 to 1-001999: 10 [never issued]
1-002001 to 1-002999: 11
1-003000 to 1-003999: 11
1-004000 to 1-004999: 11

2.9. Taxi plates

These plates are meant for taxis, all of which are cars.
The group of letters starts with TX, followed by A, B, C, D, E, F, G, I, J, K, M, N, O, P, Q, S, T, U, W, X, Y and Z.
The group of digits ranges from 001 to 999, including 666, making up a total of 999 plates per series. 000 is excluded.
Three formats are available: rectangular (520 x 110 mm), square (340 x 110 mm) and small (210 x 140 mm).
- Rectangular: the third letter is either A, B, C, D, E, F, G, I, J, K, M, N, O, P, Q, S, T, U, W and X, which implies that the series range between TXA and TXG, TXI and TXK, TXM to TXQ, TXS to TXU, TXW to TXX. For each index digit there are ??.
- Square: the third letter is Y. For each index digit there are 999 combinations available (1 x 999), or 6,993 plates in total.
- Small: the third letter is Z. For each index digit there are 999 combinations available (1 x 999), or 6,993 plates in total.
These plates are meant for rented cars with chauffeur.
The groups of letters are TXL, TXH, TXR and TXV.
Three formats are available: rectangular (520 x 110 mm), square (340 x 110 mm) and small (210 x 140 mm).
- Rectangular: TXL and TXR (not yet in use). For each index digit there are 1,998 combinations available, or 13,986 plates in total.
- Square: TXH. For each index digit there are 999 combinations available (1 x 999), or 6,993 plates in total.
- Small: TXV. For each index digit there are 999 combinations available (1 x 999), or 6,993 plates in total.
2.11. Corps Diplomatique plates (CD)

These plates are meant for ambassadors and their staff.
They have no index digit but start with the letters CD, standing for 'Corps Diplomatique' (Diplomatic Corps). These letters are followed by a combination consisting of two letters and three digits.
The group of digits ranges from 001 to 999, including 666, making up a total of 999 plates per series. 000 is excluded.
Two formats are available: rectangular (520 x 110 mm) and square (340 x 110 mm):
- Rectangular: the group of letters starts with a letter between A and X and is followed by any other letter, which implies that the series range between CD-AB001 and CD-XZ999 (CD-AA has been skipped). There are 26 x 26 x 999 combinations available.
- Square: the group of letters starts with Y and is followed by any other letter, implying that the series range between CD-YA001 and CD-YZ999.
- Small: the group of letters starts with Z and is followed by any other letter, implying that the series range between CD-ZA001 and CD-ZZ999
3. International plates (index digit 8)
This category of plates is meant to replace the EUR, EURO and blue temporary plates (starting with 9*****). They are destined for people working at the European Union, Eurocontrol, the Supreme Headquarters of Allied Powers in Europe, ambassades personnel and others.
3.1. Ordinary vehicles
These plates are meant for cars, trucks, busses, coaches, vans, ambulances, hearses, tractors and other motorized vehicles with 4 or more wheels.
The group of letters starts with A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L, N, P, R, S, T, V, X and Y, followed by a combination of any two other letters, even O (which has now a square-ish shape) unlike in the old system.
The group of digits ranges from 001 to 999, including 666, making up a total of 999 plates per series. 000 is excluded.
Three formats are available: rectangular (520 x 110 mm), square (340 x 210 mm) and small (210 x 140 mm):
- Rectangular: the second letter is either A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L, M, N, O, P, Q, R, S, T, U, V, W or X, and the third letter is any letter of the alphabet, which implies that the series range as follows: AAA to AXZ, BAA to BXZ, CAA to CXZ, DAA to DXZ, EAA to EXZ, FAA to FXZ, GAA to GXZ, HAA to HXZ, IAA to IXZ, JAA to JXZ, KAA to KXZ, LAA to LXZ, NAA to NXZ, PAA to PXZ, RAA to RXZ, SAA to SXZ, TAA to TWZ (because the TX* series are reserved for taxis), VAA to VXZ, XAA to XXZ, and YAA to YXZ. There are 12,441,546 combinations available [(20 x 24 x 26 x 999) – (1 x 1 x 26 x 999) = (12,467,520) – (25,974) = 12, 441,546] [a bit ridiculous for about 50,000 vehicles].
- Square: the second letter is Y, and the third letter is any letter of the alphabet, which implies that the series range as follows: AYA to AYZ, BYA to BYZ, CYA to CYZ, DYA to DYZ, EYA to EYZ, FYA to FYZ, GYA to GYZ, HYA to HYZ, IYA to IYZ, JYA to JYZ, KYA to KYZ, LYA to LYZ, NYA to NYZ, PYA to PYZ, RYA to RYZ, SYA to SYZ, TYA to TYZ, VYA to VYZ, XYA to XYZ, and YYA to YYZ. There are 519,480 combinations available [20 x 1 x 26 x 999].
- Small: the second letter is Z, and the third letter is any letter of the alphabet, which implies that the series range as follows: AZA to AZZ, BZA to BZZ, CZA to CZZ, DZA to DZZ, EZA to EZZ, FZA to FZZ, GZA to GZZ, HZA to HZZ, IZA to IZZ, JZA to JZZ, KZA to KZZ, LZA to LZZ, NZA to NZZ, PZA to PZZ, RZA to RZZ, SZA to SZZ, TZA to TZZ, VZA to VZZ, XZA to XZZ, and YZA to YZZ. There are 519,480 combinations available [20 x 1 x 26 x 999].

The total number of ordinary licence plates available is:
- 12,441,546 +519,480 + 519,480 = 13,480,506

These plates are meant for motorcycles, tricycles and quadricycles, i.e. motorized vehicles with two to four wheels without bodywork.
The group of letters starts with M or W, followed by a combination of any two other letters, even O (which has now a square-ish shape) unlike in the old system.
The group of digits ranges from 001 to 999, including 666, making up a total of 999 plates per series. 000 is excluded.
One format is available: small (210 x 140 mm).
There are 1,350,648 combinations available (2 x 26 x 26 x 999).
3.3. Trailers
These plates are meant for trailers weighing more than 750 kilograms.
The group of letters starts with Q or U, followed by a combination of any two other letters, even O (which has now a square-ish shape) unlike in the old system.
The group of digits ranges from 001 to 999, including 666, making up a total of 999 plates per series. 000 is excluded.
Three formats are available: rectangular (520 x 110 mm), square (340 x 110 mm) and small (210 x 140 mm).
- Rectangular: the second letter is either A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L, M, N, O, P, Q, R, S, T, U, V, W or X, and the third letter is any letter of the alphabet, which implies that the series range as follows: QAA to QXZ, and UAA to UXZ. There are 1,246,752 combinations available [2 x 24 x 26 x 999].
- Square: the second letter is Y, and the third letter is any letter of the alphabet, which implies that the series range as follows: QYA to QYZ, UYA to UYZ. There are 51,948 combinations available [2 x 1 x 26 x 999].
- Small: the second letter is Z, and the third letter is any letter of the alphabet, which implies that the series range as follows: QZA to QZZ, and UZA to UZZ. There are 51,948 combinations available [2 x 1 x 26 x 999].
4. Vanity plates (index digit 9)