Friday, June 5, 2020

New plates coming as of October! New indexes to be added to inventory

New plates coming as of October!

New indexes to be added to inventory

(Note that this article will be edited to add more information in the coming days.)

In Moniteur belge / Belgisch staatsblad from 15 May 2020, a royal decree and minister's decree voted on 15 December 2019 (!) were published. Those texts decribe the conditions of attribution of those plates, as well as their combinations and measurements (although the latter will not change). These legal texts will become valid as of 1 October 2020.

Four new indexes will be introduced: two will replace existing series, while two new categories will be created:

  • U for the new 'national license plates' (Fr: marques d'immatriculation internationales; Du: nationale kentekenplaten)
  • V for the new 'professional licence plates' (Fr: plaques professionnelles; Du: beroepsplaten)
  • Y for 'road test plates' (Fr. plaques essai; Du: proefrittenplaten)
  • Z for 'dealer plates' (Fr. plaques marchand; Du: handelaarsplaten)
While 'national license plates' fall under the category of temporary plates, the other three types can be grouped under the category of 'commercial licence plates'.

1. Index U for 'national license plates'

This new category is meant to carry out a series of tasks for which a temporary registration is necessary. Such plates can be applied for by anyone (unlike the other plates described below), under certain conditions. As the royal decree (chapter V, art. 27) states:
  • Fr: La plaque nationale est liée à un véhicule déterminé en vue deffectuer sur le territoire belge, durant une période de vingt jours calendriers consécutifs, les formalités suivantes :
    • - la livraison de ce véhicule ;
    • - la présentation du véhicule en vue de lobtention dune homologation individuelle ; 
    • - la présentation du véhicule auprès dun organisme chargé du contrôle technique des véhicules en circulation
  • Du: De nationale plaat is verbonden aan een welbepaald voertuig met het oog om op het Belgische grondgebied gedurende een periode van twintig opeenvolgende kalenderdagen de onderstaande formaliteiten te vervullen : 
    • - de levering van dit voertuig;
    • - het voorrijden van het voertuig met het oog op het verkrijgen van een individuele goedkeuring; 
    • - het voorrijden van het voertuig bij een instelling belast met de technische controle van de in het verkeer gebrachte voertuigen
The letter U will be followed by one other letter, then two digits designating the year, then three serial letters — similar to the system used for temporary (W*) and export plates (X*). However, this plate will have a white background and dark green (RAL 6005, 'moss green') inscriptions, like the commercial plates below.

Coding will be as follows (X being any letter and 1 any digit): UX-11-XXX

Although the law does not mention which series of letters will be used, one can speculate that the following codes will be used:
  • UA-11-XXX for cars — possibly with the following three formats:
    • serial letters AAA to XZZ for long rectangular plates
    • serial letters YAA to YZZ for square plates
    • serial letters ZAA to ZZZ for small plates
  • UM-11 XXX (on two lines) for motorcyles
  • UQ-11-XXX for trailers — possibly with the following three formats:
    • serial letters AAA to XZZ for long rectangular plates
    • serial letters YAA to YZZ for square plates
    • serial letters ZAA to ZZZ for small plates
  • US11 XXX (on two lines) for scooters — possibly with the following subcategories:
    • US11 AXX for A class scooters
    • US11 BXX for B class scooters
    • US11 MXX for speed pedelecs
    • US11 UXX for lightweight cars
This implies that from 4 to 11 different types and formats of plates could appear.

Those plates will have a validity of 20 calendar days, which will be indicated thanks to two stickers placed:
  • above the second dash on long rectangular plates
  • before the second group of letters on square, small and mini plates
Vehicles registered under such plates will only be allowed to circulate on Belgian territory.

2. V for 'professional licence plates'

(Plate generated on; a darker shade of green will be used.) 

Those plates are meant to be used by businesses specialized in bodywork and car repair; those businesses did not fall under the category of dealers, yet they used former 1-Z or 1-ZZ plates.

The royal decree (chapter 4, art. 19) states:
  • Fr. La plaque professionnelle est utilisée afin que les carrossiers et les réparateurs de véhicule puissent effectuer sur le territoire belge, durant une période de cinq journées non nécessairement consécutives, les formalités suivantes :
    • - la livraison de ce véhicule ; 
    • - la vérification du véhicule après une réparation ;
    • - la présentation du véhicule en vue de lobtention dune homologation individuelle ; 
    • - la présentation du véhicule auprès dun organisme chargé du contrôle technique des véhicules en circulation
  • Du: De beroepsplaat wordt gebruikt opdat koetswerkmakers en herstellers van voertuigen op het Belgische grondgebied tijdens een periode van vijf, niet noodzakelijkerwijs op elkaar volgende dagen, de onderstaande formaliteiten zouden kunnen vervullen : 
    • - de levering van dit voertuig; 
    • - de controle van het voertuig na een herstelling;
    • - het voorrijden van een voertuig met het oog op het verkrijgen van een individuele goedkeuring; 
    • - het voorrijden van het voertuig bij een instelling belast met de technische controle van de in het verkeer gebrachte voertuigen. 
Vehicles of the Intelligence Services (Sécurité nationale / Nationale veiligheid) are also allowed to use this category of plates.

The letter V will be followed by three serial letters and three serial digits; coding will be as follows (X being any letter and 1 any digit): V-XXX-111.

Although the law does not mention all of the codes that will be used, one can speculate that the following ones will be used:
  • V-XXX-111 for cars — possibly with the following three formats:
    • V-XXX-111 for rectangular plates
    • V-XYX 111 for square plates
    • V-XZX 111 for small plates
  • V-MXX 111 (on two lines) for motorcycles
  • V-QXX-111 for trailers — possibly with the following three formats:
    • V-QXX-111 for rectangular plates
    • V-QYX 111 for square plates
    • V-QZX 111 for small plates
  • VSXX 111 (on two lines) for scooters — possibly with the following subcategories:
    • VSAX 111 for A class scooters
    • VSBX 111 for B class scooters
    • VSPX 111 for speed pedelecs
    • VSUX 111 for leightweight cars
This implies that from 4 to 11 different types and formats of plates could appear.

Those plates wil have a one-year validity, indicated by a green sticker with the last two digits of the year, to be placed between the index letter and the serial letters.

3. Y for 'road test plates'

(Plate generated on; a darker shade of green will be used.)

Those plates are meant for actual road tests, especially for technical purposes. The royal decree (chapter II, art. 4) states:
  • Fr: La plaque essai ne peut pas être consacrée à des fins privées. La plaque essai est utilisée sur des véhicules non réceptionnés afin de réaliser des essais en vue dobtenir une homologation européenne ounationale des véhicules, éléments, systèmes, composants et entitéstechniques des véhicules.
  • Du: De proefrittenplaat kan niet voor private doeleinden worden ingezet. De proefrittenplaat wordt gebruikt op voertuigen die nog niet werden goedgekeurd om proefritten te maken met het oog op een Europese of nationale goedkeuring van voertuigen, systemen, onderdelen en technische eenheden van voertuigen.
The letter Y will be followed by three serial letters and three serial digits, replacing the coding with index 1 or 2 followed by the letters ZZ and another letter, and three digits (e.g. 2-ZZB-789). These plates will have a white background and dark green (RAL 6005, 'moss green'), which a darker shade of green than on the previous European model.

The letter Y will be followed by three serial letters and three serial digits; coding will be as follows (X being any letter and 1 any digit): Y-XXX-111.

Although the law does not mention all of the codes that will be used, one can speculate that the following ones will be used:
  • Y-XXX-111 for cars, possibly with the following three formats:
    • Y-XXX-111 for rectangular plates
    • Y-XYX 111 for square plates
    • Y-XZX 111 for small plates
  • Y-MXX 111 (on two lines) for motorcycles
  • Y-QXX-111 for trailers, possibly with the following three formats:
    • Y-QXX-111 for rectangular plates
    • Y-QYX 111 for square plates
    • Y-QZX 111 for small plates
  • YSXX 111 (on two lines) for scooters, possibly with the following subcategories:
    • YSAX 111 for A class scooters
    • YSBX 111 for B class scooters
    • YSPX 111 for speed pedelecs
    • YSUX 111 for lightweight cars
This implies that from 4 to 11 different types and formats of plates could appear. 

Those plates wil have a one-year validity, indicated by a green sticker with the last two digits of the year, to be placed between the index letter and the serial letters.

4. Z for 'dealer plates'

Those plates are meant for vehicle dealers. The royal decree (chapter III, art. 11) states:
  • Fr: La plaque marchand permet aux négociants qui exercent une activité dans le commerce de gros ou de détails de véhicules dutiliser des véhicules dont ils sont propriétaires en vue de promouvoir et de vendre ces véhicules.
  • Du: De handelaarsplaat laat de handelaren die een activiteit in de groot- of kleinhandel in voertuigen uitoefenen, toe om de voertuigen waarvan ze eigenaar zijn, te gebruiken met het oog op de promotie en verkoop van deze voertuigen.
The letter Z will be followed by three serial letters and three serial digits, replacing the coding with index 1 followed by the lettersZ and two other letters, and three digits (e.g. 1-ZAW-654). These plates will have a white background and dark green (RAL 6005, 'moss green'), which a darker shade of green than on the previous European model.

(Plate generated on; a darker shade of green will be used.)

The letter Z will be followed by three serial letters and three serial digits; coding will be as follows (X being any letter and 1 any digit): Z-XXX-111.

Although the law does not mention all of the codes that will be used, one can speculate that the following ones will be used:
  • Z-XXX-111 for cars, possibly with the following three formats:
    • Z-XXX-111 for rectangular plates
    • Z-XYX 111 for square plates
    • Z-XZX 111 for small plates
  • Z-MXX 111 (on two lines) for motorcycles
  • Z-QXX-111 for trailers, possibly with the following three formats:
    • Z-QXX-111 for rectangular plates
    • Z-QYX 111 for square plates
    • Z-QZX 111 for small plates
  • ZSXX 111 (on two lines) for scooters, possibly with the following subcategories:
    • ZSAX 111 for A class scooters
    • ZSBX 111 for B class scooters
    • ZSPX 111 for speed pedelecs
    • ZSUX 111 for lightweight cars
This implies that from 4 to 11 different types and formats of plates could appear.

Those plates wil have a one-year validity, indicated by a green sticker with the last two digits of the year, to be placed between the index letter and the serial letters.

Thanks to Ph. T. for the tip!